After shaping, the cheeses must be cared for skilfully, because their proper maturation depends on it. Some people think, that the work with the cheese kettle is the most important, and caring for the cheeses is of less importance. This is an underestimation of the importance of the course of further maturation processes. It is much easier to knead the Camembert correctly, than to direct the blossom of their various molds and bacteria of red.

The cultivation of cheeses is this, that we continue to create favorable conditions for the development of these microorganisms, to which we owe the correct maturation of the cheeses, while we destroy these, which are undesirable or harmful, or we hinder their development. The cheese maker pursues this goal in various ways. One of the most important and effective methods is the regulation of humidity and temperature. These are the factors, to which the microorganisms are sensitive. Other treatments such as washing, rubbing, contamination with pure cultures, reversal, salting, etc.. although they are essential, however, they are of less importance.

Almost every species requires different treatment depending on the given conditions. There is no permanent rule here. Practice is the best way to learn about cheese cultivation. Therefore, we will know them only in the most general outline.

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